Solo Improvisatietheaterfestival

Solo Improvisatietheaterfestival          te gast

'Only the lonely' biedt een heel weekend lang een platform aan de dappersten uit improland: de solo improvisatoren.

Friday 12 january, 20h

Showtime: Shortform with Only the lonely and longform Isaac's Brain Is Very Crowded.

Saturday 13 january
Workshop 1: Stories, stories and Stories! With Tom Van Outrijve. (B)

Improve your solo improv skills. (10 - 13h)

Workshop 2: The infinite character generator with Isaac Lester Simon. (US)

Improve your solo improv skills. (14 - 17h)

Workshop 3: Start to solo-improv with Richard Roling. (Nl) (10 - 17h)

Show at 20h: Shortform with Only the lonely and longform with guest André Besseling (Nl)

Sunday 14 january

Workshop: The solo improv technical toolkit with Isaac Lester SImon (US)

Improve your solo improv skills. (10.30 -13.30h)

Reservations and information:

Theater Box vzw

Pijndersstraat 16

9000 Gent

0486 65 19 00


RPR Gent, afd. Gent